
Legal News & Resources

Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Industry

Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly gained momentum and is being adopted by various industries worldwide. The legal industry is no exception, with law firms and legal departments turning to AI to improve efficiency and productivity, as well as to provide better...

Understanding Corporate Governance: Best Practices for Businesses

Understanding Corporate Governance: Best Practices for Businesses

Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. It involves balancing the interests of a company's many stakeholders, such as shareholders, management, customers, suppliers, financiers, government,...

Power of Attorney In Nigeria

Power of Attorney In Nigeria

Power of Attorney in Nigeria is a legal document that allows an individual to delegate their authority to another person who can make decisions and carry out actions on their behalf. The individual granting the power is known as the “Principal”, while the person...

Nigerian Startup Act

Nigerian Startup Act

On October 19, 2022, the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari signed the Nigerian Startup bill into law. The Startup Act is seen as a welcome development within the technology scene in Nigeria. The Act applies to all companies incorporated under the Companies and...

Differences Between Public and Private Companies in Nigeria

Differences Between Public and Private Companies in Nigeria

When registering a company in Nigeria, most founders are usually stuck on which type of busi- ness entity they should register. There are differ- ent types of business entities that can be regis- tered pursuant to the extant governing law in Ni- geria, Companies and...

What NITDA’s New Draft Code of Practice Entails

What NITDA’s New Draft Code of Practice Entails

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) is the primary body responsible for technology regulation in Nigeria. Accord- ing to Section 6B of the NITDA Act, the agency is vested with the function of providing guidelines to facilitate the...

How to register a trademark

How to register a trademark

Trademark can be defined “as a distinctive mark of authenticity, through which the products of particular manufacturers or the vendible commodities of particular merchants may be distinguished from those of others”. This definition is according to the Black’s Law...